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Filippo Berto participated in the Big data and IoT congress in Milan

Filippo Berto participated in the Big data and IoT congress in Milan.

On Thursday 24th January Filippo Berto took part in the congress DAI Social Internet of Things: digital communication in the era of big data and IoT, organised by Professor Epifani in Milan.

The event is part of the project “DAI - Digital Awareness Improvement Conversations on Transformation” which has the aim of looking more deeply into the most important themes regarding digital transformation from big data to artificial intelligence, from the Internet to social media, through comparisons between entrepreneurs and experts in this field.

The aim is to consider themes such as:

How to organise your society in the era of digital communication?
How to integrate digital communication in the various processes in the era of Internet of Things?
What do users expect and what to do to give concrete answers to the new demands of the service?

Starting from the concept for which digital communication is made possible by the social media and by Smart device, if united with big data and with Internet of the Things, redefines the regulations of communication and the processes of interaction but it also has an impact on business models of societies.

People from all over the world, through platforms of social media, find information, create relationships confronting and forming their own opinions, often decisive regarding their choice of purchases.

For societies, the social media are fundamental instruments for understanding their clients and understanding their tastes and habits.
To understand the dynamics and the dimensions of digital communication and the phenomena of Industry 4.0, during the convention the data of a series of research projects carried out specially by the Digital Transformation Institute and by CFMT will be shown in collaboration with Assintel and SWG.

The research will compare the point of view of the final users with that of the digital operators regarding the principal technological trends in force.

Apart from Filippo Berto, also Luciano Guglielmi Digital Manager of Mondadori will participate.
The appointment is at CFTM in Milan at 17.30.

For further information, please contact or call +39 0362-333082.

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