Amicor Pure has been created to offer a comfortable and healthy life condition. During the night it protects you and your family by keeping your sheets and blankets free from allergens and bacteria that may produce bad smells. Its way of working is the same as the normal deodorant: once you have it, you can even forget it. Amicor Pure is the safer way to reduce allergens and microbes in your sheets and blankets.
A mechanism in the mattress spreads out a small quantity of anti-microbes substances, which are extremely safe for people and environment. Amicor Pure contains healthy additives for your skin and is extremely soft. The central part of the fiber is a sort of small container which constantly renews the durable effect. Amicor Pure is a great innovation: you just need a small quantity to get great results. It protects the fabric and may last as long as the mattress does. It is washable up to 60°: Amicor Pure has already been used in hospitals where the qualities of hygiene und duration are extremely important.
All Amicor Pure fibers can last as long as the products do. The effect of the treatment cannot be eliminated during washing or use. It is guaranteed by the brand Amicor Pure.

Fabric with Aloe Vera treatment: the Aloe Vera is very well known as a wellness plant. In the ancient Egypt it was much appreciated for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing and coagulating properties. The fabric Aloe Weness is obtained by using the essence of Aloe Vera combined with the textile fiber. The healthy and healing qualities of this plant provide the fabric Aloe Weness an extraordinary positive action on the fundamental functions of the body, such as night sleep and awakening. It has healing qualities and anti-ageing properties; it contains a great quantity of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
As a natural antibiotic and antibacterial substance it can help in healing different infections. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps the regeneration of the tissues while respecting the natural growth of the cells. It strengthens the immune system and eliminates all toxins; it helps with the purification of the organism.

Sanitized®: all products with Sanitized® fibers provide higher comfort for houses and people, especially for the ones who suffer from allergy and asthma. Sanitized® has anti-mold and bacteria properties and it perfectly protects your house from dust mites. Sanitized®, in particular, does not kill the mites but it breaks the food chain of these animals: the mites usually feed themselves with human and animal dandruff but, when it touches the Sanitized® fibers, it is no more recognized as food. That is the reason why the fibers can definitely reduce the number of mites. The active ingredients of the Sanitized® fibers comply with all OECD requirements and they do not cause sensitization. That means we can consider the Sanitized® fibers as safe for human body. The active ingredients are incorporated into the mattress and they are not subjected to any chemical treatment on the surface. The Sanitized® fibers are totally washable and durable over time.

Sanity 24 – antistatic-silver and anti-dust mite fabric: the fabric SANITY24 has been certificated as an antistatic product according to the European requirement. Thanks to the pure silver fibers all over the surface, SANITY24 can dissipate the electrostatic charges of the body and offer a relaxing night sleep. The fabric SANITY24 contains fibers with two organic active ingredients with antibacterial and antifungal properties: they are incorporated in the polymer of the fiber itself (that means they are incorporated before spinning). The fabric SANITY24 can also control the development of allergens, in particular the DER P1, which may cause allergic reactions such as rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, eczema etc…
Around the 70% of the allergic asthma is caused by the allergen DER P1 that is normally present in the house where we live and that we breathe every day. While the normal values for an allergic reaction are 10 microgr/mc, SANITY24 helps in keeping the value of DER P1 at the constant level of 0,4 microgr/mc.

SMARTCELL: the cover SmartCell absorbs the body warmth and releases if necessary. The SmartCell fiber is an innovative product with thermo-regulating qualities: the micro-composite material with Phase Change Material (PCM) guarantees a comfortable microclimate for the body. The SmartCell fibers are extremely innovative and provide a great control as for temperature and humidity.

Econatura: The fabric cover Econatura is made of high quality cotton that offers a smooth, natural and attractive touch. The fabric complies with the standard requirements OEKO-TX, that means, it does not contain allergenic o dangerous substances.

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