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Living Showroom Design Apart - New York

Nineteen artisan producers will transform the New York apartment into a Living Showroom, which is in fact an apartment where people actually live (cook, clean and work.) Among the guests are artists, chefs, architects and clients eager to experience the culture of domestic life and create a new distribution model.
Design-Apart is a network of 19 Italian small businesses engaged in the production of unique furniture, custom furnishings and items of great value. The objective of Design-Apart is to create a new distribution model; in different cities around the world, the chosen apartment is re-designed and furnished by the most creative Italian artisan enterprises. The project includes living and working in the apartment this is how it became The Living Showroom. The co-founder of the project Diego Paccagnella - inventor of Design-Apart together with Stefano Micelli - will live in a loft in New York with his family, while they cook, eat and sleep, he will work to promote and market the excellence of Italian manufacturing. The project involves encouraging input among supporters, artisan businesses, designers, and architects through creative participation and exchange.

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Living showroom Design Apart
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Diego Paccagnella - Design Apart
Living Showroom Design Apart
Living Showroom Design Apart

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