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BertO attends the third edition of Hospitality Sud

Berto participates in Hospitality Sud

BertO attends the third edition of Hospitality Sud, the trade fair dedicated to supply and services for operators in the field of hospitality.

The third edition was held in Naples on the 25th and 26th February 2020 at the prestigious location of the Stazione Marittima.
HospitalitySud is the only appointment in the South for operators in the world of Hotels, Restaurants and catering.

The world of hospitality has always been of great interest to BertO, especially for the special requirements necessary in this field in terms of safety and the quality of the projects.

Not by chance, in the past we have collaborated with various tourist structures and esclusive resorts satisfying their particular requirements.

Thanks to our collaboration with the Galimberti and l'Arch. Alessia Galimberti Studio, we have been able to meet many operators in this field and we have come to know the demands of this rich and very exclusive sector.

Alessia Galimberti was the protagonist, as well as spokeswoman for BertO for the entire duration of the Fair, of an event dedicated to HS Design&Contract:

“An ever increasing number of design societies are moving towards the world of Contract, considering that this field offers an opportunity for growth. For professionals, being able to find trustworthy suppliers who can produce furniture and furnishing solutions for hotels, bars, offices and restaurants and who are specialised in managing complicated projects can be an important advantage which leads to the impeccable completion of a project and consequently to its success.

To receive a personalised consultation regarding contracts and furnishing projects dedicated to tourist operators, write to us at or call +39 0362-333082.

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