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"Meda for design is like Chianti". The meeting between BertO and Gaddo Della Gherardesca in Il Citta

More 22/05/2020

Filippo Berto speaks about THE SPIRIT OF 74 with Germano Lanzoni and Matteo Salvo live on Facebook

More 19/05/2020

The new Dee Dee sofa by BertO is the protagonist of DentroCasa’s shopping list

More 19/05/2020

Dee Dee, the “bespoke” seating system according to the magazine Matrix4design

More 18/05/2020

BertO, in 2019 to 10 million visits with digital technology. Read the article in Pambianco News

More 15/05/2020

BertO Design: the role of the sofa in 2020 as reported in Corriere della Sera

More 14/05/2020

BertO study case for design and life-style at the NetcommSuisse meet-up

More 12/05/2020

The role of digital technology in a period of lock-down: BertO’s online business is a study case in

More 07/05/2020

Brianza re-starts An interview with Filippo Berto in Il Cittadino

More 02/05/2020

Filippo Berto and the team of Palestra d'Impresa in direct to celebrate Labour Day

More 01/05/2020
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