Download Catalogue BertO BertO is the first Design society to focus on digital technology to keep moving forward!

article berto society digital design

The article in the authoritative on-line publication, reports that Meda, a traditional area of excellence in the field of Design, is home to the society which has utilised digital technology - even more so during the period of lock-down - thanks to a correct and far-seeing approach to digital technology.

They are referring to BertO and its ability – extremely rare – to correctly utilise and interpret digital technology right from the beginning when no-one else dared.

In fact, it was back in 2004 that the society created BertoStory, the first corporate blog in the field of Design in Italy, together with the first video on YouTube.

From there the society, which has always followed closely the evolution and innovation in the world of social network, is a presence on-line which has allowed the society to achieve amazing results with a turnover that has increased from 300,000 euros to 10 million euros and at the same time creating numerous jobs: today BertO has 50 employees.

These results could never have been achieved without a knowledgable imposition of digital technology which BertO has never utilised to increase the visibility of the society but rather to focus constantly on constructing meaningful relationships with all their interlocutors, whether they are customers, people asking for information or simply design enthusiasts who want to learn more about the brand name.

This is because, as Flippo BertO, CEO of BertO says, "People are always our most important asset".

==> Ask for your personalised consultation with one of BertO’s interior designers and create your ideal furnishing project Made in Meda!

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