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Innovation and Sustainability: BertoStudio @ LOM in the newspaper La Repubblica

Sustainability: BertO Studio at LOM reported on in the newspaper La Repubblica

Digital innovation, sustainability, the reuse of materials, research on the longevity of products, and technological development: these are the key words which frame the recovery of artisanal companies in Lombardia.

An outline of this recovery was published by Confartigianato Lombardia, and carried by the national newspaper La Repubblica on Tuesday 2 November.

A concrete example of how technological artisan companies are revolutionising their landscape is LOM - Locanda Officina Monumentale. This space is dedicated to the development of innovative projects which include BertO and BertO Studio, a permanent research workshop on design, sustainability and relationships.


"BertO, a historic Medese company known for its affinity with 4.0, is present in LOM with two spaces: a room entirely dedicated to a research project on new materials to guarantee longevity to an iconic object, the sofa.

Since the foundation of BertO in 1974, the company has always had as its mission to produce in Meda designs that are of the highest quality and aesthetics and which are destined to last a long time in the most beautiful homes in the world. This involves using the most cutting-edge technologies in the industry, selecting exclusive materials and finishes, and working them to make them last forever.

However, this is not enough. BertO's approach to sustainability is certainly to guarantee a long life to each product. Additionally, however, thanks to the research it conducts at BertO Studio @ LOM - which will also involve Polyfactory Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano - the company will study new materials for reuse and to further reduce environmental impact."

The President of Confartigianato Lombardia Eugenio Massetti reports on the challenge of artisan companies, identifying symbols, virtuous circles and rebirth – exemplified by BertO - to guide the entire sector in a path that will see each company engaged in the transformation of the coming years.

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