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TGCOM24 interviews Filippo Berto on the future of work for SMEs

TGCOM24: interview with Filippo Berto

Interviewed on TGCOM24, Filippo Berto presents the BertO Made in Meda Case Study in relation to the future of work for SMEs.

The Mediaset network's news section dedicates the new season of its FUTURE WORK segment to small and medium-sized enterprises, in collaboration with Confartigianato.

Indeed, the president of Confartigianato Marco Granelli and professor Stefano Micelli, economist and professor of International Management at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, are consulted right at the beginning of the segment.

The segment broadcast at 10.30 (and repeated at 17.00) on Wednesday 24 May, devotes the entire space to an excellent company that knows how to communicate with the new generation: BertO.

BertO is an SME that was founded in 1974 by the brothers Fioravante and Carlo Berto. Thanks primarily to the pioneering spirit of its CEO Filippo Berto, and to its ability to innovate, learn, and skillfully manage new challenges, the company began to capitalize on all the growth opportunities provided by the Internet at the end of the 1990s. The company was thus able to develop a business model that is unique in the world.

The internet became a means for BertO to support customers from all over the world in creating their Made in Meda Dream Design projects. The web was used to communicate directly with customers and to tell their stories through #BertoStory, the first Italian corporate blog in the sector.

The company is now a Case Study for the digital world and a Google Ambassador for the promotion of online entrepreneurial activities.

The segment addresses a very serious lack of professional artisans: in 2022 small artisan businesses in Italy had difficulty finding workers in the sector.

Here's what Filippo Berto says:

"It is not easy to draw young people into artisanal work and enterprises. Many clichés derive from the image of doing ancient work in non-modern artisanal workshops. This would be effectively countered by putting a spotlight on artisanal workshops."

It is therefore essential to focus on the training of young people. This is something our company is committed to doing through sharing educational programmes at schools, companies, and meetings, to present artisans in a different light.

In the words of Filippo Berto: "The artisan is not Master Geppetto; the artisan is technology, investments, international markets, relations with the public. Highlighting what craftsmanship actually entails could attract new generations to be a part of this wonderful world."

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