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BertO’s 5% solidarity project in Corriere della Sera: fight against COVID

BertO 5% in Corriere della Sera

BertO’s 5% solidarity project on the pages of Corriere della Sera.

As the health emergency continues, BertO has decided, as they did during the first lock-down in March 2020, to continue with the consultancy and planning services offered online or on appointment in order to guarantee the safety of their customers and employees.

This commitment to public health and to the territory has never stopped.
Back in March 2020 BertO created their 5% solidarity project and it is still active today. With this project BertO donates 5% of the income from all online sales to those who are on the front line in the fight against Covid 19.

Part of the proceeds collected to date have been donated to two important pillars of the health service in the territory:  l'Unità Operativa di Anestesia-Rianimazione e Emergenza Urgenza della Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico and Avis Meda.

You can read the letters of thanks from Dr. Monica Cremonesi and from Avis Meda here on our blog.

You too can support the 5% solidarity project by booking your personalised consultation with one of our interior designers who will help you realise your unique furnishing project.

==> Ask for your personalised consultation with one of BertO’s interior designers and create your ideal furnishing project Made in Meda!

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