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BertO Studio @ LOM on INTERNI: this is what digital manufacturing in Milan is for

INTERNI article : BertO Studio @ LOM example of digital manufacturing

What does a city like Milan use digital manufacturing for?
Journalist Elisa Massoni tells about LOM - Locanda Officina Monumentale on INTERNI MAGAZINE, emphasising the important projects that BertO is developing together with designers, digital companies and customers.

Milan is a perfect setting for discussing digital manufacturing. For years now, entire districts in Milan have been transformed through particularly active policies on urban regeneration, and impactful incentives for returning production to the city.

One of these is undoubtedly LOM - Locanda Officina Monumentale which hosts contemporary digital companies.

Indeed:" Milan has a great need to reintroduce the concepts of light manufacturing and craftsmanship 4.0 into its production fabric. Especially because, with its universities and current economy rooted in services and the tertiary sector, the city risks losing manual work and its professions along the way.Leaving orphans of passions and possibilities who are convinced that craftsmanship is an extinct world."

LOM is the home of our new permanent research workshop, BertO Studio. The studio is a place where we experiment with new materials and imagine the future of design and relationships with our customers.

So what is digital manufacturing for businesses?
The answer is in the interview with Filippo Berto: places like LOM serve to shorten the cultural distance between the city of Milan and manufacturing districts.

Indeed: "There is a substantial difference between doing research at our company in Brianza and doing it in Milan, a place that brings us closer to advanced projects such as the Polifactory by Stefano Maffei of the Milan Polytechnic or Dyloan. The difference is in the location. This space is beautiful; it is designed to convey your own content and values. It puts us in a position to experiment in a pragmatic way with innovative poles, and to immediately interact with our customers. We need these privileged corridors between cities and productive suburbs, in order not to be isolated from the research on the most innovative production models. "

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