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If Eric Schmidt writes an article on Repubblica and mentions BertO as an example

Eric Schmidt and Berto at Repubblica

On 24th October 2016 the Italian newspaper Repubblica published an article signed by Eric Schmidt (CEO by Google) on the insert “Affari & Finanza” entitled La rivoluzione targata web – E Google fa crescere l’economia del pianeta” (“The web revolution – And Google improves the economy of the planet”).

Eric Schmidt (CEO by Google – Mountain View, California) explains in this article that Google will keep on providing the proper instruments for the improvement of people and society - and he states that thanks to internet everyone with a good idea can create his own activity and promote it all around the world.

In order to validate his theory Eric Schmidt uses Loison and BertO examples:
Let’s take BertO for instance, a fine tailoring company that produces sofas in Meda - Brianza. Since they started using online advertising in 2006, the company website and YouTube Channel have received millions of visits, their incomes have increased fourfold and the number of employees has increased from six up to thirty people. They receive requests from all over the world, but the production is still in Italy.

And then: “The United States have been playing a leading role in the global digital revolution, but Europe is an important actor as well - and all this can happen thanks to different entities, such as BertO, prestigious universities and research institutes that promote cooperation, variety and a strong business initiative.

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