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#BertoPresenta: "Fare è innovare" by Stefano Micelli in Meda

Fare è innovare by Stefano Micelli in Meda

Stefano Micelli presents his book in Meda at our BertO Showroom, one of the most important firms the author describes in his book “Fare è innovare” published by Il Mulino.

Stefano Micelli is our first guest for these new meetings #Bertopresenta, where we invite business men, friends, customers and politicians to discuss about the main themes of our artisan tradition combined with innovation and development of PMI.

Stefano Micelli and Francesco Cancellato, Linkiesta Director, explain the new challenges as for economic and cultural developments of our country.

Our artisan way working has been considered something really outdated in the past years as new technologies were about to come in our production, but today we can say that it has been an unpredictable way out from this economic crisis: the international financial recession of last few years could be a real danger for our artisan industry but Italy can manage this dangerous situation thanks to its creativity.
“Fare è Innovare” by Stefano Micelli.

After four years from the publication of his book “Futuro Artigiano”, Stefano Micelli, Economist and Professor at the University Ca’ Foscari, describes these present times and offers his strategic analysis in every single page of the book: he tells about real successful companies, about the great examples of business men who are icons of development and changes.

We are experiencing the third industrial revolution and our artisans can play an extremely important role in Italy as they are the most competitive resource we have in this field.

For all information send an email to or dial the number +39-0362-333082.

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