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Filippo Berto at the presentation of “Manifattura Milano”

Filippo Berto takes part in the presentation of Manifattura Milano

On Thursday, 13th April 2017, Filippo Berto took part in the presentation of the program “Manifattura in Città” promoted by the Municipality of Milan, as a representative of Innovazione by Apa Confartigianato Imprese.

“Manifattura Milano” is the name of the long-term project the Municipality of Milan promoted in order to create a “Modello Milano“(Milan Model”), that allows the town to become a development laboratory for the whole country with the aim of developing innovative projects as for digital manufacture.

The attendees:
- Stefano Micelli, economist and professor at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice, has described the effects of the new manufacture processes in some of the most important European sceneries;

- Renato Galliano and Annibale D’Elia, Economic Innovation Department of the Municipality of Milan, explained the guide lines of the project and the weak and strong points of the program;

- the Mayor Giuseppe Sala;

- Cristina Tajani, Councilor for Policy of Labor, Production, Commerce and Human Resources;

- Ivan Scalfarotto, Undersecretary for International Commerce and Investment by the Ministry of Economic Development

- Dario di Vico, journalist by Corriere della Sera, was the moderator of the debate among Massimo Bonini General Secretary of Chamber of Work, Fiorenzo Galli Director of Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Sergio Rossi General Vice-secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Donatella Sciuto Vicarious Vice-rector of Politecnico of Milan, Michele Angelo Verna General Director Assolombarda, the president CNA Milan Daniela Cavagna and Marco Accornero General Secretary Unione Artigiani.

our post on the blog BertoStory signed by Filippo Berto.

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Filippo Berto at Manifattura Milano digital manufacturing

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