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The BertO case study presented at Università Ca'Foscari di Venezia

Filippo Berto presents the BertO case study at Università Ca'Foscari di Venezia

Filippo Berto presented the BertO case study to students on the International Management master's course at Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia.

Filippo Berto has been meeting students from the prestigious Venetian university for a number of years now.

Alongside Prof. Micelli, course lecturer and author of the book "Futuro Artigiano", he talks about the case study and the growth of his company, which now takes Meda all over the world thanks to the use of digital technology.

The rapport between Filippo Berto and students on the International Management course at Ca' Foscari University in Venice has resulted in a number of dissertations on the BertO case study.

The topics covered in today's lecture include the history of the company, founded by Fioravante and Carlo Berto in 1974, and the Meda district.

In an open and shared dialogue, Filippo Berto answers Prof. Micelli's questions on the reasons for his gamble: why Filippo Berto opted to go digital and how he achieved an evolutionary advantage that established him as a well-known case study.

It is also an opportunity to talk about the first successful projects—from the BertoStory blog, the first corporate blog in the furniture and design sector in Italy, to the #PercheBerto video campaign on YouTube.

The BertO case study went beyond national borders when Google chose the company as the only worthy Italian example, recognising the path it had taken from the early 2000s through to the present day.

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