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Francesco Cancellato presents "Né sfruttati né bamboccioni" 27/6 @ BertoLive

Francesco Cancellato presents Né sfruttati né bamboccioni 27/6 @ BertoLive

"Né sfruttati né bamboccioni. Risolvere la questione generazionale per salvare l'Italia".
Neither exploited nor spoilt babies. Solving the generation gap to save Italy.

This is the title of the latest book by Francesco Cancellato, director of Linkiesta and a familiar face in the BertoLive evenings in Meda (he interviewed Stefano Micelli during the presentation of his book Fare e Innovare).

Edited by Egea and published at the beginning of 2018, Francesco Cancellato's book looks at the generation gap in a way which not only regards politics but the society and economy of Italy in general.

Public discussion in Italy often resorts to the rhetoric of rights and today one more theme should be added to the list: that of following ones dreams.
To dream that if I do my best, invest in myself, in my skills and my ambitions, that I will succeed, without having to count on friends or the resources of my family.
And above all knowing that if I don't succeed, there is a network of support which will help me rise up and create a second chance. Because without this, it will end up that I passively accept the situation, stay with my family and accept any job that my friends and acquaintances may offer me.
So I would give up following my dreams, whatever they may be, or maybe I would continue to follow them elsewhere, perhaps even abroad.

Francesco Cancellato's book manages to look at this change from a different point of view.

The generation question, the future of our young people – which in reality is also ours- are themes in which we have been involved for many years. Just think about the crowdcrafting DivanoXManagua projects and more recently the #Spirit of74.
This evening is an occasion for a precious comparison and the opportunity to widen the horizons regarding this theme.

Appointment on Wednesday 27th June at 7.00 pm in the BertoLive area in Meda (MB).

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