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Google rewards Made in Meda by BertO. Read the article in "La Provincia"!

Furnishing is digital: Google rewards BertO.

BertO, a society Made in Meda which has focused on innovation for the last twenty years, had achieved excellent results even during the lock-down.
For this reason Google has made it a study case, though not for the first time.

In the Financial pages of La Provincia, journalist Gisella Roncoroni interviews Filippo Berto:

"We have made a very important investment plan based on digital technology and not only from now. The CEO of Google contacted us because Italy is a country full of small and medium enterprises and they have chosen us as an example of a society which works thanks to the digital technology.

In the stressful period we have passed over the last few months, it has become obvious that many societies were totally unprepared. But as our society proves, the results can be surprising.

An example which proves that it can really be done, that digital technology is not just something you talk about or read about in the university."

Read the interview with Filippo Berto in La Provincia!

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Google rewards the Made in Meda di BertO. Read the article
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