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Innovation, what we have learnt from the lock-down. Interview with Filippo Berto on Le Fonti TV

interview filippo berto le fonti tv

Le Fonti TV is the first Italian live streaming TV dedicated to economy, finance and businesses.

During an interview in direct, Filippo Berto spoke about the digital transformation of BertO and of the success it had during the period of lock-down.

"We started our digital story twenty years ago with our first experience on eBay and with our first web site.
In 2004 we founded the first corporate blog in the design and furnishing sector BertoStory, and in 2006 we put our first video on channel youtube di BertO, which today has over two million visits.

The digital transformation of our society has increased our collaborators from 5 to 50, passing from a small artisan workshop to the structured society which it is today thanks to the people and the talent which have grown together with us.
From 2000 to today we have opened our minds to a new strategy and a new mentality.

Digital working means that we have to make rapid decisions and make continual changes with the same rapidity. It is as if it were a piece of software which keeps loading updates continually about the activity of the society, impossible to dis-install"

Our twenty-year experience has allowed us to offer a new service to all our customers with personalised consultations online, a service presented during the period of lock-down.

Ask now for your consultation with one of BertO’s interior designers.

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