Filippo Berto, the Digital Upholsterer according to the magazine The Good Life Italia, is also an extraordinary “designteller”.
This is the beginning of Cecilia Falcone’s interview with Filippo Berto, published in issue number 26 of The Good Life Italia under the heading The Good Design.
From know-how goes viral, Filippo Berto has inaugurated a new way of “storytelling”, becoming a Google Ambassador.
In 2004, when blogs were still personal diaries, Filippo Berto invented a new formula: next to his upholstery workshop he opened a storytelling laboratory.
He opened the doors of the BertO workshop in Meda and started to talk online about what happened behind the scenes of the society founded by his father and his uncle.
In Meda there are many small businesses, family businesses with particular specialisations. They produce incredible objects and the city is the destination of international designers who come here to make prototypes and innovation.
The original design of the BertO Collection was created in Meda, it is Made in Meda and is the synthesis of a territory which boasts of over 300 years of history in this field and where the entrepreneur ability of Filippo Berto has expanded a small workshop into a society with over 50 collaborators.
BertO, in fact, has invested in direct distribution to its final customers without any intermediaries, delivering to homes in Italy and throughout Europe. Right up until the relatively recent conquest of China.
As Filippo BertO says, “it is a dream from my youth, I still keep a photo of the Fair in Shanghai in 1998: it was just me with an armchair and a pouffe and nothing else. I returned later, inspired by their energy and culture.”
Recently we have constructed a centre in Shanghai and Peking and during the Furniture Fair last year we launched a project to reinforce our dialogue between Made in Meda and digital communication in China.
Cecilia Falcone’s interview with Filippo Berto is in number 26 of the magazine The Good Life in newsagents in April 2020.
Find out more in Dream Design Made in Meda by BertO.