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#BertoPresenta: Italiani di Frontiera by and with Roberto Bonzio

“Italiani di Frontiera” by and with Roberto Bonzio

We have invited Roberto Bonzio on Thrusday, 23rd June, in our showroom in Meda. There will be the interactive and multimedia presentation of his book Italiani di Frontiera.

He is a curious journalist and has worked for many years at Gazzettino, Il Giorno and Reuters. In 2013 he won a special prize “Cafoscarino dell’anno” promoted by Venice University and in 2014 he got a nomination among the Italian Digital Champions – innovation ambassadors for digital Agenda in Europe.

He thinks that the best way to get a real change is just to listen to what people narrate about their stories and he gets really excited by telling these stories.

Ha has travelled with his family for six months, from Sesto San Giovanni to Palo Alto, and he was not really aware of what would happen in this experience: he have had the opportunity to meet people, to listen to their stories and he discovered a main theme “out of the box” which connect the business spirit of the West to the talent of innovators, researchers and young startuppers. Everything here where innovation was born.

In comparison to the United States he has found two great examples in Europe: Olivetti and Montessori.

He came back to Italy and decided to give up his job as a standard journalist: he now uses all new means, websites and social media, to describe these stories all over Italy and Europe.

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