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Made in Meda, the world capital of Design as told by BertO in Corriere della Sera

Made in Meda, the world capital of Italian design as told by BertO in Corriere della Sera

Made in Meda
, when does design become a dream design?
This question was answered by Filippo Berto, the collaborators of his society and the research and development team who work side by side with Art Directors to create the best design to be realised in the city which is well-known for design.

Wherever in the world people speak of Design, very often the true capital in this sector– historical, cultural and productive- is not mentioned.

"Made in Italy" is the automatic answer but where does the design which is able to make the whole world dream really have its roots?.

There is a small city just a few kilometres from Milan which is considered, by anyone who really understands, to be the world capital of Design.

This city is Meda, with its 700 societies and with its three centuries of history of innovation and good taste.

It is from here that we furnish some of the most beautiful houses in the world because this is where we carefully protect traditional craftsmanship and where we create products of the highest quality.

The words in the expression "The Dream Design Made in Meda” encompass many concepts, all well-known to famous people in the world of entertainment, to world-famous designers and to all the connoisseurs of quality and a unique style, people who have always favoured creations Made in Meda.

And it is right here in Meda that The Dream Design by BertO was created: In BertO’s workshop excellent taste and a centuries-old tradition of workmanship give rise to unique creations.

The sensation of total satisfaction you will get from touching, using and feeling this quality through direct contact with these magnificent items of furniture is the factor which, whether in the showroom and later, after having purchased the piece of furniture, repeatedly distinguishes the comments of everyone who knows "The Dream Design Made in Meda".

Communication too is part of the “Dream Approach” by BertO, and it is not by chance that the society became an international case study recognised by universities, associations and even by the American colossal Google, which emphasised the skill shown by entrepreneur and CEO Filippo Berto in “making the whole world see the incredible ability with which he produces unique, high-quality pieces”.

In fact it is through the Internet, ever since 2004 when BertO launched the first corporate blog about Design, that the creations signed “The Dream Design Made in Meda” describe these desirable furnishing creations.

Discover the Dream Design Made in Meda by BertO. Ask now for your consultation with one of our interior designers!

Interview Filippo Berto Il Sole 24 Ore
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