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BertO, Google and Campari meet the students of the Università Cattolica di Milano

berto, google and campari speak to the students at the università cattolica

Wednesday 10th March at 6.00pm, Filippo Berto (CEO BertO), Francesco Brambati (Digital Manager of Campari Group) and Daniele Giuliani (Measurement Strategy Lead of Google) hold a lesson online for the class of Giovanni Covassi, professor of Strategic Digital Marketing in Master Marketing Management at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

The “Round table: digital technology today” – as the title implies- deals with the important and now more than ever relevant issue of digital technology but also of the integration between online and offline through the presentation of these three realities and different corporate experiences.

In 2016 BertO was defined as "an example to follow" by Eric Schmidt – CEO Google - in one of his articles published in the Repubblica.

The BertO case presented to the students helps them understand how a traditional company has, for many years, been able to comprehend and take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital technology.

This has been possible thanks to Filippo Berto’s forward-looking digital marketing strategy which has allowed the society to reach the peak of digital excellence in Italy and ultimately being selected by Google as testimonial in many projects promoting entrepreneurial activity online.

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