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Google: BertO an Italian success story for digital transformation

BertO Italian case study according to Google


BertO is a case study and a successful Italian example for digital transformation.

The first to support and recognise BertO as a case study in digital transformation was Google, the American colossal that, through the Italian division and the parent company, had a lot of important things to say about the growth of BertO.

Growth and Development: these are two words often used by Filippo Berto to describe what has happened over the last few years and how a small workshop in Brianza has managed to become an important reference point for many customers both in Italy and throughout the world.

The recognition by Google as a case study of a company which has achieved success throughout the world began in 2012, when BertO was selected as Testimonial for advertising channels AdWords.

In 2014, during the Big Tent in Rome, Filippo was invited to participate in a round table to discuss the promotion of Made in Italy in the world.

On that occasion, the main supporter of the initiative was Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, who supports, through some of the most eminent Italian companies, the enormous potential of Made in Italy throughout the world thanks also to the relative key words.

As a result of the experience in Rome, in 2015 the platform Excellence in Digital, was created, an initiative promoted by the Google Cultural Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Unioncamere, the Università Ca’ Foscari, Symbola Foundation and the Gruppo Espresso with

Digital excellence was created with the aim of highlighting known and less known Italian companies and utilising young people as promoters of digital transition in the Italian economy.

Only a year later and BertO is again called to speak about digital development policies in Brussels in the figure of a highly referenced ambassador: Filippo BertO.

2015 was the year in which Google celebrated the first 15 years of the creation of its publicity platform AdWords.
To celebrate this important event, the American colossal launched an infographic which shows the number and the protagonists who have used this platform as an instrument for development and growth for many companies worldwide.
Also this time, BertO signed the important greetings card but as the only Italian case study company together with other 15 companies throughout the world.

Again in 2015, Google launched the new video platform Made in Italy - Excellence in digital with the aim of spreading digital culture thanks to simple lessons which can immediately contribute to digital transformation within companies. The protagonists of these video lessons are the case study entrepreneurs who have been among the first to transform their own companies. Once again BertO but also Caffé Carbonelli and Loison.

In 2016 CEO Eric Schmidt wrote in the daily newspaper The revolution called web “And Google makes the planet’s economy grow”.
In his article, he claims that anyone who has a good idea, with the use of the Internet, can create an activity and bring it up to world level.

To back up his argument Schmidt uses Loison and BertO as his examples.
"Let’s take BertO, for example, a sartorial upholsterer from Meda, a company which produces sofas in Brianza. Since 2006 when they started to use publicity online, the company web site and its You Tube channel have received millions of visits, their revenue has quadrupled and the work force has increased from six to thirty people. Requests arrive from all over the world but the entire production has remained in Italy."

Today you can discover BertO – a success story in a special section on the Google platform with testimonials directly from Filippo Berto and the results achieved by his company.

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