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Filippo Berto in the lecture hall with students in the Università Cattolica in Milan

Filippo Berto at the Università Cattolica in Milan

Filippo Berto returns to the lecture hall in the Università Cattolica in Milan to meet the students of Professor Chiara Giaccardi (Sociology and Anthropology of the Media) and of Professor Mauro Magatti (Social and Economic Processes of Contemporary Capitalism).

Contemporary transformation, through the analysis of categories which allow us to interpret this transformation, make us ask ourselves about not only the aspects which have determined the complex phenomenon called contemporary “Capitalism” but the connection which defines the sensorial and perceptive dimension of the new media.

The BertO case study therefore has become an example of how the media, the social and economic world, in a particular historical context like that of the years in which the company was founded (1974 by brothers Fioravante and Carlo Berto), passing through the boom of the 80s, digital transformation at the end of the 90s and the crisis at the end of 2000, can become instruments with which to analyse experiences and values.

The story Filippo Berto told was a real journey into the past and into the future of BertO, telling of the experiences and the emotions which have led him to achieve incredible growth and invaluable experiences, also recorded in the Archive of social Generativity thanks to the precious contribution of Patrizia Cappelletti, together with an equally incredible team who carry forward The Spirit of 74, by writing new pages every day dedicated to BertO customers through the world.

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filippo berto università cattolica milano filippo berto università cattolica milano filippo berto chiara giaccardi and mauro magatti filippo berto student of Sociology and Anthropology of the Media
mauro magatti chiara giaccardi filippo berto e patrizia cappelletti
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