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Matt Brittin at WBFMI 2015 describes the BertO case

Matt Brittin at WBFMI describes the BertO case

Matt Brittin is the President of EMEA Business and Operations Google since 2014.
His activity is addressed to private people as well as to companies and is dedicated to the development of all resources in order to be able to take advantage of the digital opportunities.

When Matt Brittin was invited to speak to the audience, he mainly focused on:

- dates (within 2020 there will be 5 milliard people connected online)
- technological development (We are at “the dawn of the network” because there are still many people that do not have the chance to use technology and internet. Europe is behind with internet compared to the USA and Italy is behind with it compared to Europe. We are in the “early and slow” situation; many people still have to get connected.)
- digital business (Every business is digital as all consumers are digital)
- small companies can be considered as “micro multinational companies”, a real digital business world provided with creativity that, thanks to internet, can really increase

Behind Matt Brittin a real example of “Piccola Impresa” (“Small Company”) that has been able to use the digital technologies to share its experience and to get connected to every place in the world.
While seated on the Sofa4manhattan Filippo Berto’s image was projected on the big screen and represented the very beginning of an argument there is still so much to talk about.

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