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Sofa4manhattan: Lera Moiseeva for AD Italy

Lera Moiseeva, born in Tarusa, Russia in 1986, sited in Architectural Digest Italy N. 405, has been nominated among the "20 creative and under 40" that are changing the look of our homes.

Together with Joe Graceffa for the design of the Sofa4manhattan and accompanied by coordinator Luca Nichetto, they presented their design as being “ideal for the people of New York" at the opening of the 2014 Fuori Salone in Milan, Italy.

The Sofa4manhattan sponsored by BertO and Design-Apart offered designers, makers, artisans and ordinary people a crowdcrafting event.  The group project was for the residents of NYC, which involved all participants in the process of designing a sofa.

We invite you to come see the Sofa4manhattan in Meda, Italy or in the living-showroom in New York City call for an appointment or watch the video of the crowdcrafting event and the making off.

For more information please call, +39 0362-333082 or email

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