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Narration of Made in Italy at New Craft

Narration of Made in Italy at New Craft

On 27th May there will be the meeting “Narration of Made in Italy” @la Fabbrica del Vapore by the exhibition New Craft – XXI Triennale in Milan.

Stefano Micelli will describe this exhibition to the students of Master in Digital Architecture and Master in Digital Exhibit attending the University IUAV in Venice.

Thanks to new didactic methods and new educational training the technical-scientific education is deeply getting back into the university career.

This is the aim of this meeting “Narration of Made in Italy”, which will take place starting from 2.30pm.
Thanks to the new digital communication there is a great opportunity of narrating the important values of our Italian craftsmanship and the main theme of this event offers indeed a new perspective on the digital innovation used to support and spread the Italian values of small and middle artisan companies.

After the visit of the exhibition some of the protagonists of this event will attend a round table: Marco Bettiol, who presented his book “Raccontare il made in Italy” in our showroom in Meda, Filippo Berto, who will discuss about “how to do and how to tell”, Paolo Manfredi with his book “L’economia del su misura” (“Customized economy”) and Banca Ifis illustrating the project “Botteghe digitali” (“Digital workshop”).

Conclusions set by Stefano Micelli: our artisan work is the main subject of his latest book “Fare è Innovare”, as he already explained during the event in our showroom in Meda.

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